Women’s Ministry Event:
Craft Night with Karianne!
Come out, Thursday night, April 19th at 6:00 pm to make a super cute craft with the creative (and pretty much famous now) author AND OUR FRIEND, Karianne Wood!
Cost is $15 per person. (If cost is an issue, please let Kendra know and we can help).
We will paint a wooden sign to hang in our houses and hear Karianne talk about her new book… and of course, we will eat! We are asking that everyone bring either a finger food or a dessert.
Please call or message Kendra to RSVP, or sign up with Kelsey Baumgardner at church on Sunday. We will have to have a total by Monday morning, so it’s important that we know on Sunday who plans to come!
It’s going to be a great time! I sure hope that you’ll join us!